Established October 2005
The City of Sanctuary Movement
The City of Sanctuary Movement began in 2005 with a coming together of 100 organizations and businesses across Sheffield,
Rev Dr Inderjit Singh Bhogal OBE has been working the idea of Sanctuary for 40 years.
Encouraging people to work together
At the grass roots level we must collaborate to increase our impact
City of Sanctuary
The idea for City of Sanctuary did not start with an expectation that it would grow.
The idea was simply to bring organisations already doing great work with refugees and asylum-seekers together to celebrate them. It quickly became obvious that if we worked together, we would increase the impact of building cultures of Welcome, Hospitality and Safety for Refugees and people seeking sanctuary.
Rev Dr Inderjit Singh Bhogal OBE
Founder and President of City of Sanctuary
The Hope
Become A City Of Sanctuary
Sheffield – The First City of Sanctuary
In 2005, 100 organizations and businesses signed up to recognise the contribution of asylum-seekers and refugees by welcoming and including them.
Sheffield Homes became the 100th signatory to support Sheffield as the first City of Sanctuary for refugees and asylum-seekers.
Becoming more trusting of our differences
In order to work together, we must trust each other. Respect our differences, find what we have in common
The Sanctuary Movement Interview​
Leeds Church Institute hosted an interview with Rev Dr Inderjit Bhogal OBE, President and Founder of the City of Sanctuary Movement.
We must remember what we all have in common, that we can come together to stand against hostility and hatred
Developing the Movement
Remember what we all have in common. Come together to stand against hostility and hatred. Challenge it with welcome and safety. It is more of a challenge than ever in todays divided society, but there lies the reason we must work harder to bring people together. We are more effective as a community and as a nation when we are taking care of each other, when we pull together and protect each others rights. This is when we are at our best and we should all inspire each other to follow those values. The world is a dangerous enough place and we must work together to improve it.
Most people in this country care about others and wish their neighbours to live safe lives.
Lets work together to build more cultures of Welcome, Hospitality and Safety for all.
School Of Sanctuary
In recognition of building and maintaining a culture of Welcome, Hospitality and Safety in the lifestyles of children at the earliest ages, every school can become a School of Sanctuary.
Commit to building a culture of Welcome, Hospitality and Safety and become a School of Sanctuary
Church Of Sanctuary
There is a natural inclination, in every organization to build a culture of Welcome, Hospitality and Safety for everyone.
Churches committed to building and maintaining a culture of Welcome, Hospitality and Safety for all can become a Church of Sanctuary.
The Idea Of Sanctuary
The idea of Sanctuary is nothing new. In the Middle Ages, Cathedrals in Cities around the United Kingdom provided a refuge for fugitives. Anyone who had committed an offence or was being persecuted could claim Sanctuary by knocking on the door of the Cathedral with the Sanctuary Knocker.
People, known as Sanctuary Seekers, were given 37 days of Sanctuary – A safe place and space to organise themselves and seek reconciliation. They could also decide to stand trial or leave the country from the nearest port.
These Sanctuary Knockers below (likely replicas) can still be found on Cathedrals today