Part of the Communion in Times of Coronavirus series of gentle reflections
Inderjit Bhogal, 2020
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It is windy outside today.
I always associate a windy day with Pentecost when the church is born by the breath of God (Acts 2:1-4).
BREATH OF GOD: Wind and air are associated in the Bible with the breath of God.
Everything is brought to life by the breath of God (Psalm 33:6).
Adam comes to life when God breathed into his nostrils (Genesis 2:7). This is the first time the idea of breath is introduced in the Bible.
The first action of the risen Christ is to breathe on his disciples who seem to have lost all life and hope (John 209:22).
The concluding words in Psalms is “let everything that breathes praise God” (Psalm 150:6).
Breath gives and is essential to life.
We are thankful to have breath.
We need to value air more, clean air even more.
We need to give more attention to breath and breathing.
Become aware of your breathing…see how shallow it is.
There are ways to breathe well.
YOGA has come to be respected as an art form, especially the various moves.
But the key to Yoga is breathing.
Yoga literally means inner communion, blending opposites, breathing in, breathing out, turning left, turning right, achieving unity of body, mind and spirit. It is a way to clear the airways, open all the channels, to allow breath and blood to flow well, and enhance wellbeing.
THE KEY TO THIS IS BREATH, the source of life and energy.
Breath is the blending of oxygen and carbon-dioxide, blood and body. Good breaths help the flow of the essence of life in body, mind and spirit. It helps to reinvigorate body, mind and spirit.
If you are not breathing properly the other parts of Yoga are not so beneficial, and you can hurt yourself. Good breathing improves blood circulation, helps to connect body, mind and spirit, and helps to achieve stillness and balance in body, mind and spirit, and manage stress.
If you can achieve seven good breaths in a day as part of your regular breathing you are doing well.
Good breath is more than the in and out rhythm which can be quite shallow.
BREATHE WELL: Good breath is cyclic. Breathe in and fill the bottom of your lungs, then the top of the lungs; breathe out and empty the bottom of your lungs first and then the top.
When you can do this, you can also use the following two ways to breathe well.
- Using the two nasal canals alternatively for seven breaths. First breathe in through the left canal. To do this place your thumb on the right of your nose and press to close the canal and breathe in through your left canal. Breathe out through the right canal. To do this place the “ring” finger on your left canal and press to close it and breathe out of your right canal. Repeat this for seven complete breaths. Use the next suggestion to achieve a complete breath.
- Use what is called the 4-7-8 count for a complete breath. Breathe in for 4 seconds. Hold the breath in for 7 seconds. Breathe out for 8 seconds. Try and take seven breaths like this as part of your regular breathing. You can do this any time it is convenient. You can use the “two nasal canals” suggestion for these breaths.
A note of caution. Don’t restrict or force breath. If you feel dizzy or light headed, stop and breathe normally.
Inderjit Bhogal, 10 May 2020
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